martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

Brazilian Millionaire Eike Batista bets: "In 15 years Rio will be unbelievably rich and modern" (The Guardian UK)


Eike Batista 


Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista, the world’s eighth richest person, at his home in Rio de Janeiro – along with the Mercedes-Benz SLR he keeps in the sitting room. Photograph: Eduardo Martino/Redux/Eyevine.

Link interview "The Guardian":

Brazil's richest man: the possibilities for Rio's transformation are limitless

'I look at Rio's future, I see a mixture of California, New York and Houston,' says entrepreneur Eike Batista


  • "He extracted his first million from lawless goldmines deep in the Amazon jungle and went on to become Brazil's richest man, a smooth-talking mining and energy tycoon who keeps a Mercedes-Benz SLR in his sitting room as a symbol of his $27bn (£17bn) empire

    Now, with Rio de Janeiro gearing up for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, Brazilian entrepreneur Eike Batista has set himself two new goals: to help transform his adoptive beachside home into one of the world's most dynamic and affluent cities, and to become the richest man on Earth.

    "Mister Carlos Slim has to invent a new race kart to catch up," said the 53-year-old, referring to the Mexican telecoms billionaire rated by Forbes as the world's wealthiest person. Batista is currently eighth.

    Batista's companies, controlled by a holding group called EBX – the X a reference to multiplying profit – plan to pump nearly £13bn into Rio state over the next two years, constructing ports and factories, and drilling for oil.

    "If I look at Rio 10, 15 years out it is going to be unbelievable," he said, describing the city's future as a mix of California, New York and Houston, combining stunning beaches and natural beauty with financial clout and ultra-modern architecture

    He is also working on plans to build, from scratch, "a super-modern, digital city" for about 250,000 people. The city, to be erected around150 miles from the state capital and designed by the Brazilian architect and urban planner Jaime Lerner, will be called Cidade X.

    The billionaire's Rio projects involve cleaning up the Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, running a luxury cruise ship for tourists, revamping the city's marina and restoring a traditional hotel, which like much of Rio has fallen on hard times in recent decades as growing violence triggered a crippling economic exodus.

    One of the patrons of Rio's successful Olympic bid – he gave about £9m to the campaign – Batista has also donated £38m to help fund a government "pacification" scheme which is attempting to rid the city of perhaps its greatest problem: the armed drug gangs which control many of Rio's 1,000 favelas.

    "Most of [Brazil's wealthiest] people live 90% of their lives in Brazil … [but] they save money to buy something in New York, or in Miami or London or Paris," he said. "Their children sometimes have to drive in armoured cars. Let's change this. This is the paradise."

    In Brazil, one of the most unequal countries in the world and a place where most billionaires prefer to hide in the shadows, Batista – widely known as just Eike – is a rare and extravagant exception. His name appears in gossip columns and financial papers with equal frequency.

    "The only way to change things in Brazil is to open up your kimono and show what you have," he said during an interview at his beachfront office overlooking Sugarloaf Mountain. "I'm sorry. I think in a way Brazilians don't want to say they are rich because they don't want to help. I have a problem with that.

    "We lived tough times, economically speaking … but you see much more generosity between lower-income Brazilians … than you see among the middle class and higher classes which, honestly, one could be ashamed of."

    Batista began his rise to fame and fortune during the 1980s Amazon gold rush, rubbing shoulders with gunslingers and prostitutes in jungle "pleasure shops". "I sat there and drank a little bit of beer or whisky with them. But I didn't engage, if that was the question," he says with a grin. "It was unbelievable. Gold all over. Wild West."

    The adventure paid off. By the age of 24 he had traded around £39m of gold and was left with 10%. "That was my first big experience."

    Next he threw himself into projects in Russia, Chile and Canada. In 2003, with about £650m in the bank, he returned to Brazil and went into mining and oil.

    Then last year his fortune ballooned by £12bn, largely thanks to OGX, the oil and gas exploration firm he founded in 2007 and took public the next year.

    His rocket rise to super-wealth has coincided with big changes in Rio, with new security policies, a fledgling oil boom and the onset of the World Cup and Olympics sending rents and house prices through the roof and attracting a growing wave of foreign investment.

    Violence persists but authorities say they are finally making progress in their war on crime. In June Rio registered the lowest number of homicides in nearly 20 years, according to the government.

    "We are destined … to growth, development and prosperity," governor Sergio Cabral boasted at the recent launch of one of Batista's latest projects, a £700m "super-port" on the Rio coast. "Our self-esteem is through the roof, with the World Cup, the Olympics, an extraordinary series of investments coming up. Every day I meet with investors and businessmen who want to come to Rio de Janeiro."

    Batista said: "I think what the governor is doing is surprising us,", attributing part of Rio's fledgling renaissance to government attempts to reclaim the slums from armed gangs. "As a citizen of Rio de Janeiro, it's wonderful because you can see the solution. It works. It is working. With the massive wealth creation … I can see this all being solved. It's doable."

    The Guardian (Reino Unido): Millionário Brasileño Eike Batista apuesta: "En 15 años Rio será increiblemente rico y moderno"
    "El hombre más rico del Brasil, Eike Batista, tiene como uno de sus dos objetivos principales transformar Río de Janeiro, en "uno de los sitios más dinámicos y ricos en el mundo", dice en una entrevista publicada el lunes por el diario británico The Guardian. El otro objetivo de Batista es convertirse en el hombre más rico en el mundo. En la actualidad ocupa el 8 º lugar en la lista de la revista Forbes.

    Las notas de prensa que el holding EBX, controlada por el empresario, planea invertir US $ 34 mil millones en Río durante los próximos dos años, la construcción de puertos, fábricas y en busca de petróleo.
    "Si miro a Río en 10, 15, lo veo como un sitio  increíble", dijo al periódico. Para él, la ciudad será "una mezcla de California, Nueva York y Houston, que combina impresionantes playas con la arquitectura ultramoderna y de importancia financiera." El artículo presenta el diseño de Batista para la construcción de "Ciudad X", una "ciudad digital supermoderna para cerca de 250.000 personas", construida de la nada a unos 240 km de Río de Janeiro.

    Los  proyectos de inversión de Batista incluyen la limpieza de la Laguna Rodrigo de Freitas, el establecimiento de un crucero de lujo para turistas, la recuperación del puerto deportivo de la ciudad y la restauración del Hotel Gloria.

    The Guardian señala también que, como patrocinador de la candidatura de Río de Janeiro para organizar los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016, donó más de $ 15 millones para la campaña y también una suma adicional de $ 100 millones para ayudar a financiar la Unidad de Pacificación de Policía (UPP) en barrios de tugurios.

    "La mayoría de los brasileños ricos viven 90% de su tiempo en Brasil, pero ahorra dinero para comprar algo en Nueva York o Miami o Londres o París", dijo el periódico.
    "Sus hijos a veces tienen que viajar en coches blindados. ¡Vamos a cambiar eso. Aquí es el paraíso ", dijo.


    El periódico dijo que la "extravagancia" de Batista es una excepción en un país como Brasil, con grandes diferencias entre ricos y pobres y donde los ricos prefieren permanecer discretos.

    El empresário dice que "la única manera de cambiar las cosas en Brasil" es que  las personas enseñen lo que tienen. "Creo que de alguna manera los brasileños no quieren decir que son ricos porque ellos no quieren ayudar. Esto no me gusta ", dijo.

    The Guardian dice que el ascenso de Batista coincidió con "grandes cambios en Río, con nuevas políticas de seguridad, un incipiente auge del petróleo y la expectativa de la Copa del Mundo y los Juegos Olímpicos jugando los alquileres y precios de los inmuebles a los cielos y atrayendo una ola de inversión extranjera ".

    "Nuestra autoestima está en el techo, con la Copa Mundial, Juegos Olímpicos, una extraordinaria serie de inversiones que viene", dice Batista. Para él, el éxito del río se debe a la política del gobierno para recuperar el control de los barrios bajos de la ciudad. "Como ciudadano de Río de Janeiro, esto es maravilloso porque podemos ver la solución. Funciona. Está funcionando.
    Con la creación de riqueza masiva ... Puedo ver todo esto arreglandose. Es posible, " Concluye el hombre de negocios. "

    Traducción al Español: R.A.Gil (TrustinRio Personal Guide/Representative)

    Rio será inacreditável em 15 anos’, diz Eike Batista a jornal britânico

    Rodrigo de Freita Lagoon

    27 dez 2010 09:38 BSB
    Eike Batista

    "O homem mais rico do Brasil, o empresário Eike Batista, tem como um de seus dois principais objetivos transformar o Rio de Janeiro em “um dos lugares mais dinâmicos e ricos do mundo”, segundo afirma em uma entrevista publicada nesta segunda-feira pelo diário britânico The Guardian.

    O outro objetivo de Batista é se tornar o homem mais rico do mundo. Atualmente ele ocupa o 8º lugar na lista da revista Forbes.

    O jornal observa que a holding EBX, controlada pelo empresário, pretende investir R$ 34 bilhões no Rio nos próximos dois anos, construindo portos, fábricas e procurando petróleo.
    “Se eu olhar para o Rio daqui a 10, 15 anos, será inacreditável”, afirmou ele ao jornal. Para ele, a cidade será “uma mistura de Califórnia, Nova York e Houston, combinando praias estonteantes com importância financeira e arquitetura ultramoderna”.

    O jornal relata o projeto de Batista para a construção da “Cidade X”, uma “cidade digital supermoderna para cerca de 250 mil pessoas”, erguida a partir do nada a cerca de 240 quilômetros do Rio de Janeiro.

    Para a capital, os projetos de Batista incluem a limpeza da lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, o estabelecimento de um cruzeiro de luxo para turistas, a recuperação da marina da cidade e a restauração do Hotel Glória.

    O Guardian observa ainda que, como patrocinador da candidatura do Rio pela organização da Olimpíada de 2016, ele doou mais de R$ 15 milhões para a campanha e também mais R$ 100 milhões para ajudar a financiar as Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP) nas favelas cariocas.
    “A maioria dos ricos brasileiros vive 90% de seu tempo no Brasil, mas guarda dinheiro para comprar algo em Nova York, ou Miami ou Londres ou Paris”, disse ele ao jornal.
    “Seus filhos às vezes precisam viajar em carros blindados. Vamos mudar isso. Aqui é o paraíso”, afirmou.
    Segundo o jornal, a "extravagância" de Batista é uma exceção num país como o Brasil, com grandes diferenças entre os ricos e os pobres e onde os mais abastados preferem se manter discretos.

    O empresário diz que “a única maneira de mudar as coisas no Brasil” é as pessoas mostrarem o que têm. “Acho que de certa forma os brasileiros não querem dizer que são ricos porque não querem ajudar. Eu não gosto disso”, disse ele.

    O Guardian comenta que a ascensão de Batista coincidiu com “grandes mudanças no Rio, com novas políticas de segurança, um incipiente boom de petróleo e a expectativa da Copa do Mundo e da Olimpíada jogando os aluguéis e os preços dos imóveis para os céus e atraindo uma onda de investimentos estrangeiros”.
    “Nossa autoestima está no teto, com a Copa do Mundo, a Olimpíada, uma série extraordinária de investimentos chegando”, diz Batista.

    Para ele, parte do sucesso do Rio se deve às políticas do governo para retomar o controle das favelas da cidade. “Como cidadão do Rio de Janeiro, isso é maravilhoso, porque podemos ver a solução. Ela funciona. Está funcionando. Com a pesada criação de riqueza... Eu posso ver tudo isso sendo resolvido. É possível”, conclui o empresário."

    Hotel Gloria

    domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

    Audio Carnival 2011 - "Grande Rio"samba school dreams with its first championship / Escuela de samba "Grande Rio" sueña con su primer campeonato

    After  many years "running up" at the samba schools competition "Academicos do Grande Rio" will try again this year to conquer its first championship; now with a theme about the city of Florianopolis.

    Listen to oficial Grande Rio's song for carnival 2011.

    Después de alguns años como subcampeona en la gran competición de las escuelas de samba, "Academicos do Grande Rio" intentará una vez mas en 2011 conquistar su primer campeonato; en esta ocasion con un tema prestando homenaje a la ciudad d Florianopolis.

    Escuche aqui la canción oficial de la escuela Grande Rio para 2011:


    miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

    Happy Holidays in Zona Norte Favelas

    Happy Holidays in Zona Norte Favelas

    By Patricia Maresch, Contributing Reporter

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – For baby Wanderson, a newborn from Complexo do Alemão, it’s his first Christmas. For little Wanderson’s mother it’s her first Christmas without gifts from the drug traffickers of Comando Vermelho at the Complexo do Alemão. “I never liked it when they were giving away bikes, washing machines or dvd players,” says Wanderson’s mother, “but refusing a Christmas gift would be like signing a death sentence.”

    Christmas Tree at the Complexo do Alemão, image recreation
    The Christmas Tree lit last Sunday in the Complexo do Alemão, image recreation.

    This year at the Complexo do Alemão in Rio’s Zona Norte (North zone), gifts will be handed out by cultural NGO AfroReggae and Banco Santander. Since May this year the bank has been holding office at the Favela da Grota at the Complexo do Alemão.

    Banco Santander also helped set up a twenty meter high Christmas tree with 48,000 LED-lights. The tree stands at a square in the favela Morro do Adeus and was lit last Sunday during a celebration with fireworks witnessed by a group of 5,000 residents.

    It seems some businesses are finding their way to the Zona Norte for the first time. This past week Caixa bank also opened a branch at the Complexo do Alemão, as well as a lottery office and three ATM-stations. Right after the police takeover of Vila Cruzeiro in Complexo da Penha, dozens of sales representatives of satellite TV company Sky were handing out leaflets at the main entrance of Vila Cruzeiro with special offers for the favela inhabitants.

    Favela residents used to have illegal TV and internet connections, which was distributed by the drug gangs and offered at a relatively low price. The police dismantled the clandestine operation that provided internet in Vila Cruzeiro. “We wanted to be part of regular society, so now we have to pay a little bit more to go online,” jokes 19-year-old Luis. Adding that he thinks it is great that they now have a Sky-box at home because it’s “something normal people have.”

    President Lula and Governor Cabral at the inauguration of the cable car at the Complexo do Alemão, image recreation
    President Lula and Governor Cabral at the inauguration of the cable car at the Complexo do Alemão, image recreation.

    On Tuesday, President Lula paid Complexo do Alemão a visit for the inauguration ceremony of the cable car, the first system of mass public transportation by cables in Brazil. Lula was the first passenger on board a gondola. The system has 154 gondolas with the capacity to carry 3,000 passengers per hour and has six stations in the community. The cable car is built with funds from the PAC initiative, Brazil’s Growth Acceleration Program.

    At the Complexo do Alemão, Lula had a brief meeting with forty representatives of Mulheres da Paz (Women of Peace). The group told Lula that there still is a lot of fear in the favelas of Zona Norte. Mothers are afraid to leave their children at home because of police misconduct, and they’re scared that the drug traffickers will return. “We are afraid that this situation will not last,” said one of the women. But the government says they have no intention to leave the Complexo do Alemão.

    Until recently the drug traffickers were the law inside the favela. Whenever there were disputes between neighbors or family members the drug traffickers settled them. To change this situation, the Ministry of Justice installed the Community Justice Program. A team of thirty professionals in the fields of law, psychology and social work will start working as mediators at the Complexo do Alemão.

    The cable car above the Complexo do Alemão, image recreation
    The cable car inaugurated this year above the vast area Complexo do Alemão, image recreation.

    “It’s an initiative that will facilitate dialogue between formal law and the rules of community dynamics. It fits well in areas where relationships are changing”, explains Peter Strozenberg, undersecretary of Defense and Promotion of Human Rights. The team will start their work beginning of February 2011.

    There seems little doubt that this holiday season is a happier one for most residents of Zona Norte favelas, and that the future looks promising. Of course the situation has it’s detractors, and next year will be pivotal in Rio’s efforts to improve the standard of living for some of its less fortunate citizens.

    martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

    Carnival 2011 Audio - "Beija Flor" presents a tribute to romantic singer Roberto Carlos / Escuela de Samba Beija Flor prestará homenaje al cantante Roberto Carlos

    CARNIVAL 2011

    "Beija Flor" at the sambadrome - Carnival 2010

    After getting the third position in carnival 2010 "Beija-Flor"  presents to next carnival a tribute to popular romantic singer Roberto Carlos listen to Beija Flor song here.

    Despues de una tercera posición el el carnaval del 2010, Beija Flor intentará mejor suerte con un tema muy popular prestando homenaje al cantante romantico Roberto Carlos. Escuche aqui la canción tema de la esculea de samba para 2011.


    Roberto Carlos

    lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

    EL PAIS (ESPAÑA) En 2014 la clase media baja será mayoría en Brasil tras la fractura de la pirámide social

    In 2014 the lower middle class will be majority in Brazil after the fracture of the social pyramid



    Las empresas empiezan a interesarse por ese grupo de consumidores

    Hasta hace 20 años la pirámide social en Brasil era inmutable e injusta. La base estaba constituida por la mayoría absoluta de ciudadanos pobres y la cima por una minoría de clase media alta que disfrutaba de más del 80% de la riqueza y era la gran consumidora de bienes. El resto era una simple clase media.

    Hoy, esa pirámide se ha resquebrajado definitivamente. En 2014, la clase C, es decir, la clase media baja, que ha dejado de militar en el gran ejército de los pobres conformará ampliamente la mayoría de los ciudadanos, con 130 de los 195 millones de habitantes del país, según un estudio de la Fundación Getulio Vargas.
    Actualmente, el consumo de electrodomésticos, comenzando por el ordenador, de esta porción de la población representa casi el 50% del mercado, mientras que las clases más ricas representan solo el 37% del mismo, según un estudio realizado por el Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE) publicado ayer por el diario Folha de São Paulo.

    Esta tendencia está llevando a las empresas a interesarse en esta clase C, la "nueva clase media", que gana mensualmente entre 1.115 y 4.000 reales (495 y 1.775 euros). Cuando el presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva comenzó a gobernar Brasil en 2003, la pirámide era bien distinta: esta clase C suponía solo el 27% de la población. Hoy, con 95 millones de personas, la clase media representa ya el 50,5% de la población, mientras que las clases ricas son el 10,5%. El gasto per cápita de la clase C es aún menor que el de las clases superiores, pero su peso es mayor dado el volumen de habitantes.

    Este año, las familias brasileñas, por ejemplo, han gastado 45.000 millones de reales (19.950 millones de euros) en electrodomésticos y electrónica. De ese total, 20.000 millones de reales proceden de esta clase C.

    En total, 37 millones de personas dejaron la base pobre de la pirámide para colocarse en el centro de la misma. A pesar de ello, la paradoja es que las clases más ricas (llamadas A y B) también han crecido. En 2003 suponían el 8% de la población, unos 13 millones, aunque dominaban la riqueza del país. Se calcula que en 2014 serán un 16% (31 millones de personas). Lula, que ha hecho el milagro de equilibrar la pirámide social a favor de los más pobres, suele decir que los ricos no se pueden quejar, ya que han seguido enriqueciéndose. Todo ello gracias a las ganancias de la Bolsa brasileña, que ofrece los mayores dividendos del mundo, y los altos intereses (hasta un 14%) que los bancos proporcionan a los depósitos en metálico.

    La ascensión de los pobres se ha debido al aumento del salario base, que ha crecido un 200% en los últimos 16 años; a la apertura del crédito popular, y al crecimiento del empleo (14 millones de trabajos fijos en los dos gobiernos de Lula).

    English translation: 

    In 2014 the lower middle class will be majority in Brazil after the fracture of the social pyramid

    Companies becoming interested in this group of consumers

    Until 20 years ago in Brazil the social pyramid was fixed and unfair. The base consisted of an absolute majority of urban poor and the top by a minority of upper middle class enjoyed more than 80% of the wealth and was the major consumer of goods. The rest was a simple middle class. 

    Today, this pyramid has been shattered forever. In 2014, the class C, ie the lower middle class, which has stoped being a simple  soldier in the great army of poverty to start being the majority of citizens, with 130 of the 195 million people in the country, according to a study of  Getulio Vargas Foundation.
    Currently, consumption of household appliances(i.e.the computer) from this portion of the population accounts for nearly 50% of the market, while the wealthier classes represent only 37% of it, according to a study by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released yesterday by the newspaper Folha de São Paulo. 

    This trend is leading to companies interested in this class C, the "new middle class, earning between 1,115 and 4,000 monthly real (495 and 1,775 euros).  

    When President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva began to govern Brazil in 2003, the pyramid was very different: This class C meant only 27% of the population. Today, with 95 million people, the middle class now accounts for 50.5% of the population, while the wealthy classes are 10.5%. Per capita expenditure class C is even lower than that of the upper classes, but they weigh more because of the volume of people.
    This year, the Brazilian families, for example, have spent 45,000 million reais (19,950 million euros) in appliances and electronics. Of that total, 20,000 million real come from this class C.
    In total, 37 million poor people left the base of the pyramid to stand in the middle of it. However, the paradox is that the richer classes (called A and B) have also grown. In 2003 they accounted for 8% of the population, some 13 million, but dominated the country's wealth. It is estimated that by 2014 will be 16% (31 million). Lula, who has made the miracle of balancing the social pyramid in favor of the poor, they say that the rich can not complain, as they have continued to enrich themselves. All thanks to the proceeds of the Brazilian stock market, which offers the highest dividend in the world, and the high interest rates (up to 14%) that banks provide cash deposits.
    The rise of the poor is due to increased base salary, which increased about 200% in the last 16 years with the opening of  popular credit, and employment growth (14 million jobs in the two lula da Silvas governments.) 


    Empresas começam a interessar-se por este grupo de consumidores

    Até 20 anos atrás no Brasil, a pirâmide social era imutável  e injusta. A base era constituída por uma maioria absoluta dos pobres urbanos e no topo por uma minoria de classe média alta que disfrutava de mais de 80% da riqueza e foi o grande consumidor de mercadorias. O resto era uma simples classe média

    Hoje, esta pirâmide foi destruída para sempre. Em 2014, a classe C, ou seja, a classe média baixa, que deixou de ser um soldado do grande exército de pobres para tornar-se  a maioria dos cidadãos, com 130 dos 195 milhões de pessoas no país, de acordo com um estudo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
    Atualmente, o consumo de eletrodomésticos, começando com o computador, esta parcela da população responde por quase 50% do mercado, enquanto as classes mais ricas representam apenas 37% dela, de acordo com um estudo realizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística ( IBGE) divulgados ontem pelo jornal Folha de São Paulo.

    Esta tendência está levando as empresas a  interessarem-se nesta classe C, a "nova classe média, que ganham entre 1.115 e 4.000 reais mensais (495 e € 1.775). 

    Quando o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva começou a governar o Brasil em 2003, a pirâmide era muito diferente:. Essa classe C significava apenas 27% da população hoje, com 95 milhões de pessoas, a classe média já responde por 50,5% da população, enquanto que as classes ricas são 10,5% da classe C despesa per capita é ainda menor do que isso. das classes superiores, mas eles pesam mais, devido ao volume de pessoas.
    Este ano, as famílias brasileiras, por exemplo, gastaram 45 mil milhões de reais (19,95 mil milhões de euros) em eletrodomésticos e eletrônicos. Desse total, 20.000 milhões de reais vêm dessa classe C.
    No total, 37 milhões de pessoas pobres saiu da base da pirâmide para ficar no meio dela. No entanto, o paradoxo é que as classes mais ricas (denominados A e B) também têm crescido. Em 2003, elas representavam 8% da população, cerca de 13 milhões, mas dominou a riqueza do país.Estima-se que até 2014 será de 16% (31 milhões). Lula, que fez o milagre de equilibrar a pirâmide social em favor dos pobres, diz que os ricos não se podem queixar, pois eles têm continuado a enriquecer-se. Tudo graças às receitas do mercado de ações brasileiro, que oferece o maior dividendo do mundo, e as taxas de juros elevadas (até 14%) que os bancos oferecem os depósitos em numerário.
    A ascensão dos pobres se deve ao maior salário-base, que aumentou 200% nos últimos 16 anos, a abertura do crédito popular, e o crescimento do emprego (14 milhões de empregos durante os dois governos Lula ).

    Em 2014 a classe média baixa vai ser a maioria no Brasil após a fratura da pirâmide social

    domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

    CARNAVAL 2011 Listen to the 'sambas' of all samba schools for 2011 carnival. Escuche todas la sambas de las escuelas para el carnaval 2011

    Starting with 2010's winning school UNIDOS DA TIJUCA.
    Theme for 2011: "Tonight Im gonna take off your soul" (Scary movies)

    Empezando con la escuela campeona del Carnaval 2010 - UNIDOS DA TIJUCA Samba 2011.
    tema: "Esta noche me llevaré a tu alma" (El cine de miedo)


    "Pay for entering..pray for leaving it..."
    "Pague para entrar...reze para salir.."

    International concerts in Rio next season...Artistas Internacionales en Rio 2011..

    Hi TrustinRio Friends...

    2010 has passed soooo fast...and here we are announcing some of the confirming International Concerts in Rio for next year...

    Some old "friends" are back to Rio, like Ozzy Ousborne or the Swedish pop duo Roxette...and some stars are arriving at the Marvelous City for the first time, like Amy Winehouse.

    Shame some "not to be missed" concerts happening in Sao Paulo and other cities but not around here, like Shakira or U2 in february..but much far from anything, Rio (the place to be) is expecting the 4th.Rock in Rio Festival starting on september.

    2010 ha pasado taaan rapido y ya estamos aqui para anunciarles algunos de los artistas que se presentarán en Rio neste año de 2011 que ya empieza..

    Algunos "viejos amigos" regresan a Rio, tales como Ozzy Ousbourne o el duo Sueco Roxette; Mientras algunas estrellas pisan suelo carioca por primera vez, como Amy Winehouse.

    Una lastima que algunos conciertos imperdibles se darán en San Paulo y otras Ciudades que no la Maravillosa Rio de Janeiro, pero de todos modos, la gran expectativa musical en Rio es relativa al 4o.Festival Rock in Rio que empieza a finales de septiembre.

    A cantora inglesa Amy Winehouse

    Amy Winehouse
    (Foto: AP)

    Amy Winehouse
    Opening Shows with the American Soul Singers  Janelle Monae and Mayer Hawtorne.

    A cantora do Paramore Haylay Williams cantando em São Paulo.
    Haylay Williams
    Foto: Flavio Moraes / G1) 
    February 19th.

    James Murphy, criador do LCD Soundsystem
    James Murphy(Foto: Divulgação)

    LCD Soundsystem
    February (Date to be confirmed)

    Cyndi Lauper
    Cyndi Lauper (Foto: Divulgação/MySpace)

    Cyndi Lauper
    February, 25th.


    Bruce Dickinson
    Bruce Dickinson(Foto: André Durão/G1)

    Iron Maiden


    Ozzy Osbourne
    Ozzy Osbourne(Foto: Daigo Oliva/G1)

    Ozzy Osbourne
    April, 7th.
    Slash (Former Guns'Roses Guitarrist)


    April, 7th

    A última turnê mundial do Roxette foi há 15 anos
    Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle (Roxette)

     Ver imagem em tamanho grande

    Rock in Rio

    4th. Edition of the traditional Rock Pop Festival at september 23th, 24th, 25th and 30th plus October1th, 2th.

    These are some of the International artists confirmed by now::
    Slipknot, Coldplay, Motörhead, Coheed and Cambria, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stone Sour, Snow Patrol, Motorhead and Metallica; plus the Brazilian Capital Inicial, Skank, NX Zero, Erasmo Carlos, Arnaldo Antunes, Sepultura, Angra,Tulipa Ruiz, Cidadão Instigado, Marcelo Camelo, Orkestra Rumpilezz and Céu.

    sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

    Celebrated Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer has marked his 103rd birthday by opening a museum of his work.

    Celebrated Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer has marked his 103rd birthday by opening a museum of his work.

    The Oscar Niemeyer Foundation outside Rio de Janeiro houses drawings and models from the modernist architect's 70-year career.

    Mr Niemeyer designed Brazil's futuristic capital, Brasilia, as well as the UN building in New York.

    His latest work - the Oscar Niemeyer cultural centre in Aviles in northern Spain - also opened on Wednesday.

    "My friends have come to see me, how nice," Mr Niemeyer told reporters at the inauguration of his foundation in the city of Niteroi, outside Rio de Janeiro.

    Designed by Mr Niemeyer himself, the museum building boasts the sensuous concrete curves that define his distinctive modernist style and have made him one of the world's most famous architects.

    Niteroi is already home to a number of classic Niemeyer buildings, including a contemporary art museum and a theatre.

    Visitors admire the white curves of the Oscar Niemeyer Foundation building in Niteroi Mr Niemeyer said the stylised swoops in his work were inspired by the curves of Brazilian women

    On the same day the Oscar Niemeyer Foundation was opened in Brazil, officials in Aviles in northern Spain opened the main dome of the Oscar Niemeyer Cultural Centre, which he also designed.

    The authorities in Aviles hope the centre will revive the city's fortunes in the same way the Gugenheim museum helped transform the city of Bilbao from a declining industrial city into a cultural capital.

    Sweeping curves

    Mr Niemeyer is most famous for designing Brasilia, which was built as a new federal capital for Brazil in the late 1950s.

    His bold futuristic designs made the new capital a dramatic statement of confidence in the future of Brazil, and an icon of modern architecture.

    White dome of Niemeyer Centre in Aviles, Spain, with port in the background The Niemeyer centre in Aviles, Spain, bears all the hallmarks of the architect's modernist vision

    A student of the French architect Le Corbusier, he developed a distinctive style defined by stark concrete and sweeping curves.

    He famously once said the stylized swoops in his buildings were inspired by the curves of Brazilian women.

    Mr Niemeyer went on to create more than 600 buildings around the world.

    Despite recurring illness over the past year, he is still at work, and still showing his flair for dramatic architecture.

    viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

    Rio 3 D - The Film...coming soon!

    Rio 2016 – Countdown – Emblem Launch in New Year’s Eve party

    Rio2016 went down the streets of Rio de Janeiro to find out what people think about Rio 2016 Olympic Games and the emblem that is going to be launched in Copacabana New Year’s Eve party. Check out the result!

    Published by Rio2016′s Channel on Youtube.